➠ Result by Saturday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2024-02-24 1343 5039 0494 6675 8929
2024-02-17 1336 9846 1580 0977 4435 0400
2024-02-10 1329 2861 4720 9623 2014
2024-02-03 1322 5926 9054 2126 7191 7944
2024-01-27 1314 7069 2933 2652 3443 8187
2024-01-20 1307 8146 7820 5800 3728 7613
2024-01-13 1300 2573 0386 6522 0742 5729
2024-01-06 1293 9540 5102 6816 2994 6051
2023-12-30 1286 7015 0252 0627 0961 8058
2023-12-23 1278 8610 3357 1313 4403 6900


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